Whether you need a more reliable way to generate income for retirement now, or you want to help ensure your investments are generating as much interest and dividends as possible without having it taken away by unexpected circumstances, our complimentary Retirement Income Kit is for you.
Fill in the form to claim your FREE Retirement Income Kit today!
Fill in the form to claim your FREE Retirement Income Kit today which includes a no-obligation, complimentary consultation with Retirement Income Specialist, David Stearns
“We implement proven, low-risk strategies to help protect your assets and your financial future.”
— David Stearns,
David Stearns, President, Founder, Investment Advisor Representative
David Stearns specializes in the particular needs of retirees and those approaching retirement for over 20 years. David’s approach to freedom and stability in retirement are both
refreshing and realistic. He understands the anxieties that many are facing when they consider preserving and distributing their retirement funds.
David helps take the guesswork out of the financial picture and provides real numbers with real solutions to help secure funds for the long term. Often the greatest fear for those in retirement is outliving one’s hard-earned funds, but David uses his experience, training, and gifts to help prepare and coordinate all the variables in your retirement so that your funds will outlive you.
Our Seven-Step Process:
Our philosophy at Stearns Retirement Group is that we are the coach who assists you in identifying and working towards reaching your financial goals. Our seven-step educational process helps you identify your objectives and develop the strategies and tactics that will allow you to work towards your goals.
1. Identify Lifetime Objectives & Strategies At Scranton Financial Group, we don’t believe in a “cookie-cutter” approach. No two situations are alike. We tailor your financial strategies to assist you in achieving your specific lifetime goals and objectives.
2. Understand All of Your Options Some advisors are not willing to spend the time to educate you. We believe an informed client is a good client. We believe peace of mind may come from understanding your options.
3. Determine Your Risk Profile How much of your money should be in the stock market? How much should be in more conservative investments? We believe in staying within your comfort level rather than chasing short-term market returns.
4. Build your allocation model Your personal preferences as well as your cash flow needs are some of the factors that determine your investment allocation. In building your model, we educate you about today’s more conservative income-generating investments, so you can make informed decisions.
5. Optimize Your Investment Allocations
If desired, we will help you allocate the equity portion of your investments in conjunction with modern portfolio theory and mean-variance optimization.
6. Identify Tax Reduction and Catastrophic Protection Strategies Once your investment allocation is completed, we help coordinate your affairs. Our focus is on minimizing income taxes and future death taxes as well as helping to potentially protect you and your assets from health care catastrophes.
7. Schedule Regular Periodic Reviews Last but certainly not least, we believe regular periodic reviews will help you stay the course. Our firm’s success in large part comes from an emphasis on client service. We strive to contact each of our clients at least four times a year.
Seven must-read retirement reports:
“Why Investing in Mutual Funds Could Jeopardize Your Retirement”
“The Case for Fixed Income – How to Avoid the Most Common Mistakes that Could Derail your Retirement”
“Investing For Income in the Stock Market”
“Estate Planning – Are you making mistakes that could jeopardize your retirement?”
“The Fundamentals of Retirement Income”
“7 Risks to Your Retirement and What You Can Do to Help Avoid Them”
“10 Signs You’re Working with a True Retirement Income Specialist”
This Kit is invaluable for those who are:
- Retired, approaching retirement, or ready to get an early start
- Worried they might outlive their retirement savings
- Not sure if their investments are helping to minimize or even eliminating stock market risk and uncertainty
- Interested in taking a “Bird in the Hand” approach to investing that can provide steady streams of interest and dividends for retirement, even if you don’t need the income now
The secret to a financially more stress-free retirement is to try to preserve what you’ve worked so hard for and use it to provide a steady stream of income you can depend on.
Fill in the form to claim your FREE Retirement Income Kit today!
Copyright © 2022. All rights reserved.
All written content on this site is for informational purposes only. Opinions expressed herein are solely those of Stearns Retirement Group. and our editorial staff. Material presented is believed to be from reliable sources; however, we make no representations as to its accuracy or completeness. Investing involves risk. There is always the potential of losing money when you invest in securities. Asset allocation, diversification and rebalancing do not ensure a profit or help protect against loss in declining markets. All information and ideas should be discussed in detail with your individual advisor prior to implementation. The presence of this website, and the material contained within, shall in no way be construed or interpreted as a solicitation or recommendation for the purchase or sale of any security or investment strategy. In addition, the presence of this website should not be interpreted as a solicitation for Investment Advisory Services to any residents of states where otherwise legally permitted to conduct business. Fee-based financial planning and Investment Advisory Services are offered by Sound Income Strategies, LLC, an SEC Registered Investment Advisory firm. Stearns Retirement Group and Sound Income Strategies LLC are not associated entities. Stearns Retirement Group is a franchisee of the Retirement Income Store. The Retirement Income Store and Sound Income Strategies LLC are associated entities. © 2022 Sound Income Strategies.